The SEO copywriting plays an important role in the whole search engine optimization strategy of the websites that aim to rank well on Google, Yahoo, Bing and etc. The optimized content gives a huge boost to the traffic. It can bring more clients, increase conversion rates and etc.

The SEO copywriting creates texts, articles and blog posts that are valuable for the visitors and viewable for the search engines. The content has to correspond at the same time to the algorithms of the search engines and the expectations of the visitors.

What’s the essence of the SEO copywriting? It consists of certain techniques and approaches for writing and optimizing of the content that make the texts easy-to-read and interesting for the visitors, and easy-to-find and rank by the search engines. The copywriters apply the latest changes in the algorithms of Google, Yahoo, Bing and etc. for ranking to find the perfect combination of keywords, titles, meta descriptions, tags and etc. that will boost the pages to more front positions.

What types of sites and content can benefit from SEO of the content?

  • Articles
  • Blog posts
  • E-commerce sites and pages
  • PPC (pay-per-click) advertisements

The effective SEO optimized writing always brings great value for the visitors. If the texts are not easy-to-read, interesting and informative, the readers quickly lose interest and proceed to the next site. The well-written articles, blog posts and etc. grab the interest of the audience. They get shared, re-visited, promoted and discussed. The high quality SEO copywriting has the potential to convert, attract traffic and sales and etc. 

The top notch content is only part of the optimization work of the pages that can rank them higher. The other part is the proper SEO optimization of the texts, including

  • placing of the right keywords spread naturally across the content
  • optimizing the titles
  • optimizing the images and the alt texts
  • optimizing the meta descriptions, tags and etc.
  • adding internal links

The algorithms of the search engines are created to read what the pages are about and to bring them to the users when needed. Therefore, the job of the copywriters is to create each text to be easy-to-read by the search engines through key words, tags and etc. If the content on the pages is not optimized, the site will be more difficult to find and it will lose potential traffic, visitors and sales.

SEO copywriting is not a static technique, but it is a dynamic instrument. The changes in the search engines’ algorithms, the technologies or even people’s preferences and trends have a strong impact on the effective strategies for SEO.

What works today might be completely wrong tomorrow. For example, it is no longer recommended to staff the texts with keywords in order to rank higher. This technique is considered spammy and instead of helping to your site, it can actually cause penalty and rapid drop in the ranking.

The successful copywriting should always correspond to the newest updates of the algorithms of Google, Yahoo and Bing.